Partners in Energy
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Create account

Market parties with a formal market role and business parties who want to use services on Partners in Energy can create an account. In both cases, an account must be applied for, but the process differs. Read how.

Apply for an account as a market party

If you are an employee of a market party with a formal market role and want to use services such as tickets, you can request an account via your own superuser. More than 67% of market parties now use Partners in Energy. Chances are that your organisation, too, already has a superuser. Send him/her a message and quickly receive an e-mail to start your account.

Your organisation may not yet be participating in Partners in Energy or you may not know who your superuser is. In both cases, we offer support.

If your organisation plans to fulfil a formal market role, then the registration process applies to your organisation. You log in for this registration via eHerkenning and once the registration process is complete, you will be asked to create an account anyway. In the meantime, you can already use the services as a business party can.

Apply for an account as a business party

If you want an account as a business party to, for example, submit a data request or register your interest in congestion management, you can apply for an account. In doing so, the request goes through our support department. Send your account request to [email protected] and we will contact you. You will usually be up and running within one working day.

Forgot your password?

You may already have an account and don't remember your password. Go to log in and click the 'Forgot your password?' button.

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Already have an account and want to log in?

Go to login and use Partners in Energy directly

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